Wow! My second post in one day! hehe Well, i couldn't let this day pass before wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day and help spread a little more "HE-ART" in the world by sharing with you some old valentine-inspired layouts.
Oh, and let me add that today, on top of being the luckiest and the most blessed woman on earth for having won Yves' heart almost 5 years ago... i am also the happiest scrapper on the web for having won the KaiserCraft Saturday Sketch Contest for January!!! I was simply ecstatic this morning when i read the news! Thanks Yves and KaiserCraft! <3
So now, with a huge smile on my face and a heart full of love, i share with you these...
The First Nivou Rose
This layout was not done for Valentine's Day but in November 2006, our fifth month together, when he gave me my first rose (which is in the little plastic pocket on the right page). And for those who might be wondering, 'Nivou' is our nickname. Yes, we are that cheesy! hehe 
Your Love Completes Me
This layout dates back to 2007. As you can see, my scrapbooking style has changed quite a bit since then. But i still like this layout as it is dear to my heart.
You Bring Colour Into My World
I still love the idea and theme behind this 2008 layout. I actually want to someday try to make a complete album in only black and white with each page featuring one other colour.
Heart n' Soul
3 years and still going strong!
Love Buds
Much love to everyone!